
Monday, January 4, 2010

A touching letter

A letter written by Ananya* to Krish* that touched my heart a lot......

"Hello my panjabi hunk,
Miss me ? I do. I miss our cuddles, I miss our walks in campus, I miss studying together and then going for midight chai, I miss running to my dorm every morning to brush my teeth, I miss eating pao-bhaji on the char rasta with u, I miss the glances we stole in class, I miss my bad grades and the tears afterwards u wiped, I miss how u made me laugh, I miss how u played with my hair, I miss how u used to watch me put eye-liner, I miss............ Oh, u get the drift, I miss u like hell.
Meanwhile, I am fine in Chennai. My mother is at her neurotic best, my father is quiet as as usual and my brother always has a book that says Physics, Chemistry or Maths on the cover. In other words, things are normal. I mentioned u again to my mother. She called a priest home who gave me a pedant to make me forget u. Wow, I never thought they'd react to u like this. Well, it is going to take more than pedant to forget u, but for good measure I tossed it into the Bay of Bengal on Merina Beach. I haven't mentioned u since, because I know u will come to chennai and charm them yourself-- just as u charmed me."

Bye, my love,
PS: Oh did I mention, I miss the sex too.

Ananya: A south indian gal with whom krish fell in love. (Both are the characters of "2 States")
Krish: A panjabi guy or u can say chetan bhagat himself.