
Friday, August 28, 2020

Happiness - A real gem


The purpose of our lives is to be happy.

                                    -  Dalai Lama

Happiness can keep you physically fit and mentally sharp as well. Now, how to be happy is the real question. Happiness is from within. Every person has different reasons to be happy. But, the soul reason to be happy is ‘to be satisfied’. The one who is not satisfied can’t be happy as per my perception. For some people, when they get money, status and power, they get happy. But, these kind of people will certainly look for more money, a better status than the existing one and more power, which in turn make them unsatisfied and which will bring unhappiness at some point of time. Since, I am from a rural part of the country, I have seen smile and happiness in the faces of the people (mazdoors) who are getting paid lower than the daily wages as decided by the Govt of India time to time. I have also seen the faces of some of the dignified persons with a handsome money as a part of their salary along with a good status. Believe me, I have seen crying them without their faults. Their smiles, happiness are always covered under their responsibilities, lack of sleep due to extended working hours etc.There is nothing like money, status and power can make you happy in a long run. 

I have seen people going to gym to get a good body figure. People often avoid their favourite sweets, chocolates etc to get the desired body figure. If you are happy with the process (i.e. going to gym, running like a dog, not eating your favourite chicken biryani) then you should continue with the process. But, if you are not happy with the process, you can’t continue with that for a long period of time, so please don’t start it. Better, look for processes which will keep you happy and will result into your desired thing, i.e. a good body figure. It may be playing your favourite sports which not only give you happiness at the time of playing (the process) but also will get the desired body figure (result). 

            How much quality time you spend with your loved ones, your family etc is more important than how much you are being paid or how much power you have bestowed upon. Because, as said earlier, the money, power etc can’t keep you happy for a long time. 

            While choosing our career, we generally focus on money, status etc, as these things bring a smile for a while when you think of them. But in a long term, it can be complicated. To my perception, an organisation which can pay you a balanced salary and which can provide you a 8 hrs work + 8 hrs family time + 8 hrs sleep can make a happier version of yourself. 

            Generally, the management of 8 hrs work is looked after by the top level management of the organisation. So, we shouldn’t think about those 8 hrs. But the rest 16 hrs we should manage in a way that can ultimately bring happiness to ourselves along with our near and dear ones. So, we should develop skills of managing those 16 hours vis-à-vis the salary we are being paid. No salary is small or big, it depends how much satisfied we are. No post/status/power is small or big, it depends how much contented we are. 

            Life is not worth if we are not happy. So, always try to do things which make you happy along with your near and dear ones. Don’t think more about 2Ps i.e. Paisa and Power because these are the things which generally are the reasons behind every damn bad relations/unhappiness.  

P.S:- Views are strictly personal in nature. It may vary from person to person.


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